Appointments can be made by telephoning 01484 503515 or by coming into the surgery between 08:00 – 18:00 weekdays. To book urgent appointments our phone lines open at 08:00.
Please tell the receptionist if the appointment is for more than one person, or if you feel you may need more than the usual 10 minute appointment.
Our reception staff have been asked by the partners to ask what your appointment is regarding, this is so that we can triage appropriately. Making sure you get the care you need, when you need it and that it is delivered by the appropriate health care clinician. Please note that this may not always be a Doctor, and in some cases may be an Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Nurse, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist or Health Care Assistant.
Online Appointments
You can register to book online appointments simply by clicking on the hyperlink at the top of the page or on the Home Page. All routine appointments with a GP are available online and daily emergency appointments. You can also register for online ordering of your repeat prescriptions.
ADHD and Autism - Please note; if you are worried that your child may be suffering from ADHD or Autism, there is an assessment service, but it ONLY accepts referrals through schools. This is because, not only do they know your child best, but because a large part of the assessment is done at school. Please ask the school nurse, your childs teacher or the school SEND co-ordinator for more details. The GP will not be able to refer your child.
Self Booking
For some appointments a clinician or member of our reception team may ask if you would like a unique booking link sent to your phone via text message, this will enable you to select your preferred appointment date and time, and you will receive a text confirmation once you have confirmed your booking.
Evening and Weekend appointment now available (Extended Access)
Patients can now book for routine appointments on evenings and weekends. Pre-bookable and on the day appointments are available. Please note - the appointment that you are offered may be at another local Surgery.
To book an evening or weekend appointment please telephone 01484 503515. If you need to book an appointment outside normal Practice working hours please telephone NHS 111 and they will book an appointment for you if appropriate.
The Appointment System - How it works
There will be a Clinician “on call” each day, dealing with urgent problems for that day. We keep a number of appointments in reserve every day to deal with urgent matters that can not wait until the next routine appointment.
Due to the nature of the urgent clinic, we will attempt to accommodate, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee compliance with any requests. Inclusive of, but not limited to:
Being seen by a named Doctor
Gender of the Doctor you may see
The order in which you are seen
There are always routine and urgent appointments available, but not necessarily with the Doctor of your choice. We have developed this system to deal with the problems and priorities that we see, but we are always willing to accept feedback and comments and view them in a positive light.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. If you fail to attend for three appointments you may be removed from this practice list and will have to find an alternative doctor.
Care Navigation
Our receptionists are trained in Care Navigation, this involves navigating you to the clinician best suited to your problem rather than having to come through the GP first. For example, if what you are describing matches the need for an Optician, Dentist, Physiotherapist, Health and Wellbeing Coach or Pharmacist, they will be able to directly send you there.